Kids are worse off nowadays and have more medical problems than ever ?? - infant food chart
Do with the strength of these guidelines as a child and this and that and all the hormones pumped into food and all these patterns and scales of the growth curve and blah blah, I believe the children are more medical problems than ever before. Autism? ADD / ADHD? All these obese children and adolescents with eating disorders. I say that children were better in the old days, when few knew it! Sometimes the medical field are a load of crap. Who agrees?
There is a whole industry to make some that the parents fear for the health of their children. However, there are several reasons why the increase in diagnoses, what overmedicated to improved diagnostics and pressure from the pharmaceutical industry to the parents and doctors.
2 ends of the spectrum ... means to know, less "healthy" children (because they did not know better), but also means a shorter life span.
It always had health problems in children, there is nothing "bad" than before, we are simply better informed than before. SIDS rates declined, deaths in childbirth have fallen, to obtain the technology alive a fetus 24 weeks - in the old days, they should die, the baby. Autism is that it is time - it's before he discovered. Always been to add the treatment in the "old days" were much more difficult today treatments.
I prefer to live now, have children, and I know that my grandparents now ... who know nothing and never know that my grandparents (not to mention,) grandparents.
Must have been ~ Yup, much better in the good old days, when the deadly smallpox, pneumonia, cholera, tuberculosis, yellow fever, influenza and typhoid fever are common in infants and children. Oh, and do not forget all the children who died of measles, mumps, rubella (German measles), diphtheria and chicken pox before the vaccine development.
And what about all the iron lung, the children were imprisoned before they developed the vaccine against polio. The last case of wild poliovirus in the United States was in 1979 and is projected on the global eradication of polio will be implemented over the next ten years.
And what about all the children who died of bacterial infections, before the advent of antibiotics.
I understand that you are concerned about Mai guidelines for the nutrition of infants, but at least we have the guidelines adopted today. In the old days, people had () little or no education and nutrition of many children, especially in the poorest communities were with what the family could be fed a. Remember, there was no refrigeration at that timeAs food spoil quickly and must eat human beings.
We not only guidelines and skills in food hygiene and food handling, but not yet invented a pill called multi-vitamin A, which virtually eliminated scurvy and other diseases, vitamin deficiencies are often debilitated children.
Note that living from 1800 to 1900, the average woman has given birth to seven children in your life. Not survive a third to a half to 5 years. In 1900, mortality, mother has been terribly high. One in 7 women died within 3 months after birth. The statistics are expressed as the number of women who die per 1,000 births. Thank you in the last 100 years (for these people in the field of medicine), decreased the risk by more than one hundred eighty days, or 99.4%, and maternal mortality - now rare in developed countries - for every 100,000 births registered.
You may think that children were better in the old days, but because they do not know how bad these days really. As for me (and my sons), I'm glad that vaccines, antibiotics, CT, vitamins, modern surgery, sanitation and all the other things, we grow old and frail.
The reason is connected to stations of games, Xbox, Wii and other games of chance such box to a TV or play online.
The problem is that children do not know today, like playing hide-n-Seek to know day, not swinging baseball, statue, like fireflies (catching fireflies)
I agree. When it comes to food goes - When God - it is probably good for you. When a man makes - probably not. The Food and Drug Administration would monitor the safety of food and medicines. Guess what - if food manufacturers make people ill and used in a pharmaceutical company can make people ill and use it.
Perhaps you prefer to limit the time of the drastic infant mortality and child mortality back? Or the good old days when people with mental illness, because their illnesses are not recognized or treated, is "possessed by the devil? Or, if you want someone to treat what the leeches of confidence?
I'm shit with my world "group-of-" of modern medicine, thank you very much. Let me know how the medieval medicine for you. "
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