Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bleeding From My Overies I Had A Pain In My Overies And Now I'm Bleeding?

I had a pain in my overies and now I'm bleeding? - bleeding from my overies

Yesterday evening, my right hand was taking me to my area acquisitions. Streaching I then felt a sharp pain on the right, pop. Approximately 10 minutes later I went to the bloodshed and attention to be used. I'm not even close to the beginning of my time, about a week and a half finished. What is the pain and blood?


nobodyin... said...

With the crack you describe could be a ruptured ovarian cyst.

These cysts are very common and often bleed if broken, but sometimes happens. This is usually an indication that there is a severe bleeding inside.

Check the description on the link.

Do not see a doctor anyway. Soon.

"McRib" NREMT-P said...

Hmmm ... What you describe sounds much as he can from a ruptured ovarian cyst. Although ovarian cysts very frequently in women, it is possible that you may have PCO syndrome. Hair Growth symptoms of this disease may be irregular or no periods, acne, obesity (weight gain or abnormal) and exaggerated. If it looks like it is worth noting, at the gynecology / obstetrics. I do hope you better!

sierva de Dios said...

You need to RIP can be a bit

Workahol... said...

Learn the emergency room immediately

Kym-berly B said...

The same thing happened to me. Immeadiate need a D & C to stop the bleeding, and a partial hysterectomy a few weeks later. The Pop moved my fallopian tubes.
Go to the ER now! Do not wait.

kathy said...

This would mean that the pain just before the period of ovulation, but said it was time for his day. You can have a small cyst on the ovary, that they burst. You should consult your doctor.

my heart goes bang bang boom! =D said...

Go see a doctor

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