Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why Are You Dizzy After Getting Off Treadmill Is It Normal To Be Dizzy After Getting Off The Treadmill?

Is it normal to be dizzy after getting off the treadmill? - why are you dizzy after getting off treadmill

Roll-type vertigo peddler.


Sarah D said...

I do that sometimes, and I have some blood pressure - no health risk yet, but more perfect.

I know when the blood pressure, which sometimes lower me dizzy, too .... Perhaps it has something to do with the blood pressure.

Walk into a pharmacy and check once or twice to do one of these check-it-yourself vacation at least three times, and the average ... and at least three different days, and the average middle (sounds a bit confusing, but that's what my doctor told me) to do.

Stages, it is good to be aware and take in the cases generally too high to correct your diet and exercise.

If this is not your problem, I would like to check your ears, leading to the internal problems of the ear dizzyness.

Sarah D said...

I do that sometimes, and I have some blood pressure - no health risk yet, but more perfect.

I know when the blood pressure, which sometimes lower me dizzy, too .... Perhaps it has something to do with the blood pressure.

Walk into a pharmacy and check once or twice to do one of these check-it-yourself vacation at least three times, and the average ... and at least three different days, and the average middle (sounds a bit confusing, but that's what my doctor told me) to do.

Stages, it is good to be aware and take in the cases generally too high to correct your diet and exercise.

If this is not your problem, I would like to check your ears, leading to the internal problems of the ear dizzyness.

Sarah D said...

I do that sometimes, and I have some blood pressure - no health risk yet, but more perfect.

I know when the blood pressure, which sometimes lower me dizzy, too .... Perhaps it has something to do with the blood pressure.

Walk into a pharmacy and check once or twice to do one of these check-it-yourself vacation at least three times, and the average ... and at least three different days, and the average middle (sounds a bit confusing, but that's what my doctor told me) to do.

Stages, it is good to be aware and take in the cases generally too high to correct your diet and exercise.

If this is not your problem, I would like to check your ears, leading to the internal problems of the ear dizzyness.

here said...

Not really. Perhaps too much you exercised or may you suffer from an illness. It is possible that your blood pressure is too high, you do not have enough food, dehydrated, etc. There are many possibilities. If you have worked hard on the treadmill, check these things first. If it happens again go to the doctor. Some say that talking with a doctor before starting a training, it is up to you, of course.

nisrine k said...

No, not normal ...
If it's not on special medication vertigo may be related to dehydration. should in the exercise, you eevry drink a cup of water 15 minutes.
If not, check to see if you may) as the sclera (eyes, anemic, and the nail bed should be white when they are yellow, you should consult your doctor.
could get dizzy when you train in the heat. After training, disappeared almost as hot sexy!

freeer said...

Its not normal to feel sick, but can be provided, whether or dehydrated, out of shape, the blood sugar without eating, or are sick. Be sure that it does not do, or lose consciousness)

jon said...

haha it is quite normal .... If ever I am a treadmill feels like floating, I'm not really going well for me once again ... bescause fact, this can be a bit too much and just a complete standstill ... If you do not like this feeling, I recommend stoping or not immediately, but over time the speed of your treadmill to a walk ... slowly to the heart rate and breathing slow UR .. . after that you should not feel the dizzyness / variable more

enigmami... said...

I do not think normal, but the same thing happened to me. I'm good and not too much. If I think I am there and took a few minutes I want to walk everywhere.

smily said...

They have no water to drink if you if you can not be stunned, because their dehydrated

mr_wisem... said...

Yes, it happened to me before. may occur, especially if you are in any kind of tranquilizer.

I love tennnis! said...

Not if you have not eaten, it can be dizziness, or if you worked.

blueJean said...

No, slower or less .... If you're still confused, you will receive a check

blueJean said...

No, slower or less .... If you're still confused, you will receive a check

pisces.. said...

to do its important ..

hello said...

happened to me before, I doubt it's a good thing I only drink water

medicine... said...

this means that food or drink or sit Need U

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